As a benefit to all current Wrestling Leader members, USA Wrestling
has made the online Copper and Bronze Certification courses available
for free through Sunday, April 5, 2020.
In order to access the course, members simply need to log into their account at and
add the item to their cart. All courses are delivered immediately
online once the member has completed the free purchase and are accessed
through your MY COURSES tab. A tutorial video on how to add the Bronze
and/or Copper Certification courses to your cart can be found here.
Wrestling Leader members of USA Wrestling who have previously
completed Bronze and/or Copper Certification courses are encouraged to
repeat the course(s) for enrichment. All completions will be tracked in
real time through USA Wrestling’s membership system. Course materials
for Bronze and Copper Certifications were updated in March 2015 and
November 2017, respectively.
As part of the National Coaches Education Program (NCEP), the Copper
Certification course is designed for coaches whose athletes are 12 years
of age and younger, normally costs $50, and takes approximately 4 hours
to complete. The Bronze Certification course is designed for coaches
whose athletes are 13 years of age and older, regularly costs $80, and
takes approximately 6 hours to complete.
In addition to the Copper and Bronze Certification courses, USA
Wrestling has the HEADS Up Concussion in Youth Sports available to
anyone through its membership system. This course, which was developed
by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), is aimed to
keep children and teen athletes safe by helping coaches and parents
recognize, respond to, and minimize the risk of concussion or other
serious brain injury.